You’re surfing the web, and you stumble across an awesome website you want to explore further, but you don’t have the time right now. And, you know you’ll never be able to remember its web address. What do you do? Save it to your favorites (or bookmarks) list, of...
Much of accounting work such as creating monthly, quarterly or yearly reports is repeatable. So, why waste time reinventing the wheel every time you do the same task? Wouldn’t it be nice to create a report once and then use it repeatedly, just making simple edits as...
Even with all the fancy data visualization tools on the market today, like Power BI, Tableau and many others, Excel remains one of the most popular reporting tools. There are many reasons this could be true. Personally, I think Excel’s popularity has a lot to do with...
One of the most popular features many accounting software vendors have added over the last several years is the ability to attach documents to a record. Finally, you can keep all important information in one place. No need to worry about storing documents locally on...
No matter what position you’re in, if you have an office job, chances are you use Microsoft Word at least a couple times a week, if not every day. So, if you’re looking for ways to boost your productivity, sharpening your Microsoft Word skills is a natural place to...
Because of its wide availability and relatively low learning curve compared to other data analysis tools like Power BI or Tableau, Excel remains one of the most popular software packages used by accountants, finance professionals and data scientists. So, for those of...