ERP & CRM: Together in one powerful package

Acumatica Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Let us help you respond faster to requests and improve your overall customer experience with Acumatica CRM software.

Are you considering Acumatica?

Let’s talk about your goals and see if Acumatica customer relationship management software is right for you.
Schedule your consultation

Do you already use Acumatica CRM?

Let’s figure out how to help you achieve the results you want with complete Acumatica support from our team.

Explore our Acumatica services

Break Free from Busy Work.

Acumatica cloud-based CRM lets you manage opportunities, contacts, leads and support cases, all in one central location. It also connects your team to sales orders, AR, AP, and other important modules. So, you spend less time on manual processes and more time closing sales and addressing customer requests.

Why Acumatica CRM?

Increased Productivity

With automation and streamlined processes, businesses can reduce the time and effort required to manage customer relationships, allowing them to focus on building relationships.

Improved Customer Experience

The CRM software helps businesses provide better customer service and support, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Sales and Marketing

By providing tools for lead and opportunity management, sales automation, and marketing automation, Acumatica’s CRM can help businesses increase their sales and marketing effectiveness.

Insights in Real Time

  • Create custom dashboards to track the KPIs that matter most.
  • Never over promise or under deliver again thanks to crystal clear production time visibility.
  • Make the best possible use of your available resources and avoid nasty stock related surprises with inventory and shop floor dashboards
  • Understand the why behind your KPIs. From your dashboards, you can quickly see exactly which data points have changed.

Better Insights

The advanced analytics and reporting features of the CRM software allow businesses to track key performance metrics and gain valuable insights into their sales and marketing operations, helping them make data-driven decisions.


Acumatica’s CRM software is highly scalable, making it a good fit for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Acumatica Cloud-Based CRM manages the entire customer lifecycle

Business Intelligence

Get a 360-degree view of each customer’s activities. Uncover the story behind the numbers – what’s impacting your KPIs the most. Leverage real-time information to better serve your customers.

Customer Self-Service

Reduce the number of phone calls your customer service team must handle. Offer customers 24/7 access to their important business account information. Empower them with a customer portal where they can create support cases and see updates on their existing ones.

Integrated Marketing

Design and send email sequences, manage your leads and contacts, and continuously improve conversions as you track the effectiveness of all your marketing efforts.

Sales Automation

Enjoy a complete view of your opportunities and contacts. Keep an eye out for issues that might influence the sales decision. Improve efficiency with automated workflows

Service and Support Automation

Lower your support costs by improving your response time and billing accuracy. Assign and escalate cases based on policies you set.

Acumatica for HubSpot Connector

Break down silos between your sales and marketing departments when you connect the industry’s favorite marketing automation platform. With the Acumatica CRM and HubSpot on your team, you can build, execute, and track campaigns across various channels. You can also seamlessly capture leads and pass them to your sales team.

Why choose Intelligent Technologies as your Acumatica CRM partner?

Consultant listening to client

Focused on your needs

Your business success depends on building strong relationships with your customers. So does ours! That’s why we always listen to you and learn about your business before giving advice. Working with us, you’ll quickly discover that we always have your best interests in mind.

Quality, service and price building blocks

Reasonable, transparent pricing

We charge a fair hourly rate for our services. We don’t charge you for advice that you could easily find online. We also don’t make you pay upfront before our work even begins. It’s important to us to build a relationship based on trust because our goal is to become your technology partner for life.

Employee offering tech support to a client

Respectful interactions, unparalleled support

Every client deserves exceptional support, no matter how small their business is or how infrequently they need support. We aim to provide the same top-notch service in every interaction.

Woman typing blog

Education for all

Choosing the right customer relationship management software and the right team to implement it can be tough. To help clarify the process and guide you through it, we freely share our expertise online.

Find us on the industry-leading sites you know and trust.

ERP Cloud Blog Logo
Triad Business Journal logo
VMWare logo
Hewlett Packard Enterprise logo

Not just smoke and mirrors. Acumatica CRM delivers real results for SMBs


ComCenter increased sales

See how they did it


Portacool decreased shipping processing times

See how they did it


International Pipe & Supply gained a single system to track a lead to a customer

See how they did it

Want to see what Acumatica Customer Relationship Management software can do for you?

Let our team show you the features that matter most to your business.

Do you have questions about Acumatica CRM or our expert services?

As an experienced Acumatica CRM partner, Intelligent Technologies can help you:

  1. Work the way you want
  2. Grow without worry
  3. Reduce spending
  4. Improve business performance with Acumatica


Simply fill out the form to register for your custom CRM Acumatica demo or to request more information.